Halloran Centre

Technical Specs

This page provides detailed information on the Halloran Centre's technical capabilities, and equipment to assist in planning and executing successful performances. It covers stage dimensions, lighting and sound systems, rigging, and other technical resources. Please review the following specifications to facilitate your planning process.

Halloran Centre

Download Full Specs PDF

Street Address:

Halloran Centre for the Performing Arts & Education, 225 S. Main St. Memphis, TN 38103

Mailing Address:

Halloran Centre, P.O. Box 3370, Memphis, TN 38173

President & CEOBrett Batterson: 901-529-4224
Vice President & COODacquiri Baptiste: 901-529-4248
Sales ManagerSara Adams: 901-529-4276
Production Manager of LightingKatelyn Sosebee: 901-529-4249
Production Manager of AudioSam Long: 901-529-4239
Events ManagerGrant Hatton: 901-529-4294
Box Office 901-525-3000
(audio, lighting, rentals, backline)
Main Stage
(lighting, color, lamps, tape)
Tennessee Concert Sound
(audio, visual, lighting)
Keyboards in Black and White
ProShow Systems
Pro Audio
Profound Sound
Yarbrough Music

FROM THE NORTH: Take I-55 South to I-40 East. Cross the Mississippi on the Arkansas-Tennessee Bridge. Take exit #1, the Front St. South exit, just before you get off the bridge. Turn right and follow Front St. to Beale St. Cross Beale St. The loading dock is at the rear of the building on Front St.

FROM THE WEST: Take I-40 East. Cross the Mississippi on the Arkansas-Tennessee Bridge. Take exit #1, the Front St. South exit, just before you get off the bridge. Turn right and follow Front St. to Beale St. Cross Beale St. The loading dock is at the rear of the building on Front St.

FROM THE SOUTH: Take I-55 North. Take exit 12-A, Crump St. East. Follow Crump St. East to 3rd St. Turn left. Follow 3rd St. to Linden St. Turn left. Follow Linden St. 3 stoplights to Front St. Turn Right. The loading dock is at the rear of the building on Front St.

FROM THE EAST: Take I-40 West. Take exit 1-C, (Hwy 51 South) Danny Thomas Blvd. south. Follow Danny Thomas Blvd. south to Linden St., turn right. Follow Linden St. west to Front St., turn right. The loading dock is at the rear of the building on Front St.

FROM EAST MEMPHIS: Take I-240 towards Jackson, MS. At the I-240 / I-55 connector, take I-55 towards St, Louis. I-55 North brings you to downtown Memphis. Exit I-55 at Riverside Drive, follow Riverside Drive north. Turn right at the first stoplight. This will be Beale Street. Turn onto Main Street. The Halloran Centre is located on Main Street next to the historic Orpheum.

FROM THE WEST ON I-55: Cross the Arkansas – Tennessee Bridge. Take the second exit after crossing the bridge. This will be the Riverside Drive exit. Travel Riverside Drive north. Turn right at the first stoplight. This will be Beale Street. The Halloran Centre is located on Main Street next to the historic Orpheum.

FROM THE WEST ON I-40: Cross the new Arkansas – Tennessee Bridge. Take the first exit. This will be the Riverside Drive exit. Follow Riverside Drive south, until you reach Beale Street. Turn left onto Beale Street. The Halloran Centre is located on Main Street next to the historic Orpheum.

FROM THE AIRPORT: Leaving the Airport, turn west onto Winchester. Follow Winchester to the I-55 interchange. Enter I-55 north. I-55 north brings you to downtown Memphis. Exit I-55 at Riverside Drive, follow Riverside Drive north. Turn right at the first stoplight. This will be Beale Street. The Halloran Centre is located on Main Street next to the historic Orpheum.

ONCE YOU HAVE ARRIVED: There is no free parking. Parking is available at several public lots surrounding the theatre. Parking may be a problem. There are many facilities that utilize the public lots. We recommend that you arrive at least 30 - 45 minutes before curtain to take advantage of parking in this immediate area.

Additional direction and parking information is available here.

Proscenium width: 40’ – 6”

Total stage Width: 51’-6”

Proscenium Height (to auditorium floor) 23’-4”

Proscenium Height (to stage floor) 21’-0”

Distance from Stage Front to Cyclorama: 35’-0”

Wing width (both wings): 5’-6”

Stage height: 2’-4”

Catwalk height (to auditorium floor): 21’-11”

Balcony (to auditorium floor): 20’-0”

The floor is Wood Athletic Flooring from the Robbins bio-channel classic floor system line made from northern hard maple. The stage floor is ¾” thick and sits on ¾” plywood which sits on sleepers which sit on concrete.

The stage is painted black.

Two dressing rooms connected to a green room.

Each dressing room contains a restroom and shower.

Each dressing room and green room equipped with paging system via clear comm.

Each dressing room is equipped with a live audio and video feed of the stage.

Dressing rooms contain two Z-racks for costume pieces.

Laundry room with washer and dryer are adjacent to the loading dock area.

Each dressing room contains 9 makeup stations.

The theatre is equipped with a Clear Comm intercom system with belt packs at mixing position, light board operating position, stage left, stage right. Additional clear comm belt packs can be distributed as needed.

There is a stage manager station with a video feed of the show stage left.


27 – ETC Source 4 Parnels 575w

15 – 19° Source 4 Ellipsoidal 750w

9 - 26° Source 4 Ellipsoidal 750w

9 - 36° Source 4 Ellipsoidal 750w

2 - 50° Ellipsoidal Barrel

10 – LED Cyc lights (ETC Lustr 11”)

4 – Chauvet Rogue R3 Spot Moving Light

2 – Chauvet Rogue R2X Spot Moving Light

1 – Chauvet Ovation SP-300CW LED Followspot


  • 19° Barrels – 5
  • 26° barrels – 12
  • 36° barrels – 12
  • Extra Source 4 instruments – 4
Standard Light PlotUpdated plot coming soon
Lighting Control

ChamSys MagicQ 50



Yamaha QL-5

Yamaha QL-1 can be added as an onstage monitor console

Sound SystemView Documentation
Hearing Impaired SystemListen LT-800-072-01 RF Transmitter
Meyer Constellation Sound System
The Constellation System from Meyer Sound is a state-of-the-art audio experience that uses microphones and speakers to artificially tailor the acoustical profile of a space to the act performing on stage.
View Documentation
Additional Mics

7 - Shure ULXD2/SM58 handheld

11 – Shure ULXD1 Wireless Belt Packs

3 - Shure ULXD4Q Wireless Transmitters

1 Shure ULXD2 Wireless Transmitter

1 - Beta 52

1 - Podium with mic input

1 - Earthworks PM40 Piano Mic

3 - Earthworks FW430 short choir mics

3 - Earthworks FW730 tall choir mics

4 - Shure Beta 98A microphones

Playback DevicesTascam CD-200SB
Signal Processing

1 – Symetrix Radius 12x8

6 - Cisco SG300-28

I/O Rack2 – Yamaha 1608-D Racks (16 input 8 output)

1- Yamaha XMV8280-D

2- Ashly KLR-3200


1- Community MX10B Monitor wedges

5- Turbo TFX 122M-AN Powered monitors

Panasonic PT-DZ870K DLP Projector

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